Crestone Healing Arts Center has evolved.
A new platform for personal healing and inner transformation has emerged. The center is now available as a Venue for Workshops and Retreats in the Healing, Meditative, and Restorative Arts. Therapeutic Massage services and Healing Art Modalities will continue to be offered at our Center. We graciously welcome your inquiries on how we may be of service.
Thank you!
Our Massage Therapy Intensive Trainings have gracefully come to an end. We bow in deep humility and utmost gratitude to each bright soul we have had the honor of serving in our 27 years of Healing Arts instruction. You are forever part of our hearts. We can only hope that our hearts have become part of yours. Thank you so very much. Smiling softly in the heart and wishing you healing journeys in abundance.
Dan and Sue
“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you.”
—Paramhansa Yogananda