Take time for self-rejuvenation and self-care.
Our Services.
Therapeutic Massage
Involves rhythmic pressure point application along traditional energy meridian lines. Shiatsu encourages the harmonious flow of healing life force throughout the body.
UItilizes pressure applied to specific areas on the feet to invite a healing response in corresponding areas of the body. Each session begins with a soothing foot bath and ends with a nourishing lubricated massage to bring closure to a deeply healing treatment.
Calms the nerves and aids circulation. Smooth gliding massage strokes using skin-enriching oil characterizes this profoundly relaxing modality.
Uses light touch applied mindfully to acupoints in formulated sequences specific to the needs of individual recipients.
Artfully combines a number of the preceding modalities to create a unique healing treatment designed to meet clients’ specific needs and concerns.
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Siddha Vaidya Treatments
An excellent protocol for managing stress and burnout. A dam of dough is formed over the adrenals. Hot herbally infused oil is poured into the dam and continuously kept at a comfortable heated temperature. The adrenals are nourished through the deeply penetrating warmth of the oil and the healing properties of the infused herbs.
Utilizes herbal pouches dipped in hot oil infused with herbs. The pouches are rapidly whisked over the entire body to invite a profound re-energizing effect to both the body and the mind. 24-hours of rest and good nutrition are required immediately after receiving a Kaya Rejuvenation treatment.
Siddha Vaidya treatments are only as available

We empower individuals to embrace life's opportunities by intuitive investigation in a safe, comfortable, and grounded environment.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient technology based on an understanding of the ecology of the human body. Hand positions (mudra), breath (pranayam), sound (mantra), posture (asana), movement, and meditation are specifically combined to invite phenomenal life-enhancing results.
Crestone Healing Arts Center offers Kundalini Yoga through the following avenues:
Weekly Kundalini Yoga classes as part of our 12-Week Massage Training
Private sessions, workshops and events offered locally and online.
Kundalini Yoga Level I & Level II Teacher Trainings as taught by Yogi Bhajan